Meditation Classes

Establishing a regular meditation practice can help you navigate life’s joys and challenges with more aliveness and ease. Without intention though, we often approach meditation the same way we approach many other “self-improvement projects”— another task on the to-do list that we judge ourselves for if we don’t do it right.

My group classes and 1-1 mindfulness mentoring welcome you just as you are and emphasize that “doing meditation right” might actually look like letting go of our judgments of right/wrong as we extend kindness and patience to ourselves.

Having meditated for 10+ years and trained under Tara Brach & Jack Kornfield’s 2-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, I’ve now taught hundreds of people how to incorporate meditation into their often busy lives.

Most commonly I offer a 5-part Intro to Mindfulness course, designed as a kind, encouraging, small-group container (6-8 ppl) to generate momentum in your practice and support each other along the way. Each week will touch on a different theme (working with recurring thoughts, emotions, self-judgment, etc).

Quick video for those who feel like they’re “doing meditation wrong” because they’re lost in their thoughts. Follow me on Instagram for more like this.

“I truly enjoyed your introduction to mindfulness series. I am happy to say that I have been “sticking with it” pretty much every day. I can honestly say I am feeling calmer and although I still have times when my emotions go up and down, the meditation has been a Godsend and I am very thankful” — Mike H.