What wants to emerge from the depths of you?

Hi, I’m Blair. I help people like you get out of your head so you can make changes with confidence, and live your life with meaning, freedom, and presence. Working together, you’ll feel more connected and at home with your authentic self.

Feeling stuck or overwhelmed? My coaching offers you a transformational path forward through the challenges and complexities of the changes you’re seeking in your wild and precious life. In our work together, I’ll guide you as you find and listen to the deep wisdom you already carry, get curious about what’s holding you back from your unique potential, and take action. You’ll leave each session with tools and Fieldwork to bring what you’ve learned to life.


“What the world needs is people who have come alive” —Howard Thurman

Is your busy mind and life making it hard to slow down, be present, and feel a sense of peace in your life? When you practice connecting to the present moment exactly as it is, you can cultivate feelings of ease, aliveness, gratitude, and a sense of being at home no matter where life takes you. Through 1-1 sessions and group classes, I’ll help you learn to meditate and integrate mindfulness into your daily life as you become better friends with your own inner world.

Meditation Classes

My Mind-Body (Somatic) Approach

Did you know that there are ways, through your physical body, to contact your deepest, wisest self? It’s true. The valuable (but often hidden or ignored) information your body holds can help you make new connections and uncover the true roots of your habits, desires, triggers, feelings, and intuitions. When you learn to treat your body as a trustworthy collaborator on your journey (instead of just a brain-taxi), you can make meaningful changes in your life and relationships with more confidence, clarity, and ease. My coaching and teaching focus on strengthening this mind-body connection to unlock new pathways and help you respond to life’s inevitable challenges in more creative and resilient ways.

“Don’t be afraid.

Look, feel, let life take you by the hand.

Let life live through you.”

—Roger Keyes